viviZ | Custom Photography

A sneak peek from viviZ

Monday, July 13, 2009

Update: New Blog URL

Hi! I've been cooking up a new blog (on a veeeeeeery low simmer) for a while now and just recently decided that I shouldn't sit on it any longer. I could easily keep tinkering around with it for a few minutes here and there every night for the next few months, but I'm going to step out of my comfort zone and unveil my new blog even though it's not 100% perfect. Typically, I like all my i's dotted and t's crossed but I'm really working on not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.

From now on, I'll be updating my blog here:

For any of you regular readers (there are a few of you out there, right?? :-), please be sure to update your bookmarks and subscriptions. If you are subscribing via an RSS Feed Reader (something like Google Reader, Bloglines, NewsGator, etc., make sure to use the following URL for your rss subscriptions:

Head on over: Ready, Set, GO!

Beautiful Babe

JJ, I loved our "911" emergency photo session today. As always, Miss S was an absolute doll and I enjoyed every minute. I'm just about to send you the link to the full gallery but thought I would also share a little bit of your baby girl's beauty with other blog readers. Let's give them the privilege of seeing her before she's a big and famous supermodel. :-)

I love this series:

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Why I Want (and Got) a Point-and-Shoot

Those around me have become pretty accustomed to seeing me with my camera wherever I go. I simply hate the idea of missing a potential shot and as a result, I'm either lugging my big ol' dSLR camera with me or I'm kicking myself when I want to document a moment but have nothing to capture it with.

Even when I carry my big camera -- which due to its space-consuming nature precludes me from carrying cute little purses, darnit! -- I often long for a point-and-shoot in order to get decent images with me actually in front of the camera. A recent example:

My husband and I recently enjoyed a great dinner at Candlelight (great spot, for those of you haven't ventured over there yet) to celebrate my birthday. I really wanted to capture a shot of the two of us there but since I only had a fancy schmancy camera to bring, this was what I got when I asked the server if he would please take a picture of us:

Totally sweet. Great effort. But not so good. Ummmm, I'm sorry, could I trouble you to please try again?

Ok, a little better. But still blurry. I smiled, thanked him, and acted like he just took the best picture ever. And then I resorted to balancing my camera on an upside-down martini shaker (borrowed from the bar) and used the self-timer to capture this shot:

Not perfect, but definitely better. But enough is enough. It took waaaaay too long to capture this one image. If I had just had a point-and-shoot with me, I'm pretty sure I would have been more likely to get a decent pic on the first try. Needless to say, I was very excited when I learned that my husband had bought me a point-and-shoot for my birthday!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Perfect Ingredients

I love it when the stars align and all the ingredients required to produce great images show up to a photography session. Today turned out to be one of those days.

What we had to work with:
- Gorgeous Southern California beach (check!)
- Perfectly comfortable weather - say, seventy degrees - not too warm, not too chilly (check!)
- The perfect dose of sunshine - not too bright yet just enough to cast a warm glow through the thin layer of clouds (check!)
- Relaxed, easy-going mom who totally trusted me and was more than willing to follow my lead (check!)
- Awesome, beautiful and fun kids in adorable outfits (double check!)

J, thanks for being such a sport and going along with all of my suggestions for today's session. I had a great time with you and the girls and hope you think this afternoon was time well spent.

Without further adieu, here are a few of my favorite images from today.

Lots of fun playing and digging in the sand:

Here's S trying to weasel some gummy worms out of me. And yes, she got one. Come on, give me a break ... would you be able to say no to this face?

I was fired up when little Miss A donned this tank top towards the end of our session. Some of you know that I had an itty bitty Hello Kitty obsession when I was A's age. (And I mean a serious obsession. We're talking borderline kleptomania issues here. My poor mom would constantly find all sorts of pens, pencils, erasers and the like stored under my bed and would have to hold my hand as I apologized and returned my hoard of treasures to the proper owners. But I swear I've recovered. And no, J, I got your voicemail. I do NOT know where A's Hello Kitty tank top went after our session ... )


Before our session, J took the girls to get their hair done by Maria at Classic Kids. Didn't she do an awesome job?

Awwwww, how cute.

And a few of Mom in the mix. I've actually got a great one of the three of you smiling and looking at the camera. But for those of you getting to know me and my style, I tend to prefer the moments where the family members are interacting with each other. I love it when you can see an image and practically hear the laughter between the family members. This series of shots fits that bill so I thought I'd blog 'em. (J, you'll see the other shots in your gallery.)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Back to Regular Programming

Now, we return to our regular programming: babies and families.

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of photographing sweet Baby S at her four month session. It had only been a couple months since I last saw her (click HERE for her 8 week session), but as many of you know, babies at this age mature and develop so rapidly. It was impossible not to marvel at her growth. Little Miss S was so engaged, physically strong, and very happy to dole out the smiles and coos.

We actually started the session with some headshots for Dad. Dad is in the very early stages of starting his business and needed some images for his corporate stationery and website. J, look at your handsome hubby. He sure does clean up well. :-)

Then, we moved on to some family portraits:

I just love, LOVE, L.O.V.E. this moment:

And moving on to some solo shots of the little sweatpea. I had SUCH a hard time figuring out which images to blog. She is quite the photogenic little angel.

Here's one of those smiles I mentioned earlier:

M&J, I'll leave you with this image. With a face like this, she's gonna have you wrapped around her little finger!!

Your gallery is almost ready for you. You'll have more than your fair share of images to choose from. Yay! I'll email you with the link by the end of the day. Stay tuned ...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Something Different

Life has been busy lately and as a result, there are way too many things on my 'to do' list that never seem to disappear. Well, now that time-sensitive things like "file taxes at midnight on 4/15" and "make sure kids can swim before Hawaii" have been removed, I am finally making it a point to check that little box next to "update the viviZ blog."

Not too long ago, I had a fun experience photographing my friend and her rapidly growing -- and successful! -- company in downtown San Francisco. I'm extremely proud of my friend for working SO hard to find her calling and build her business from scratch. And I'm very thankful for receiving this opportunity to grow my own business while documenting hers.

I had such a blast. For many reasons, both personal and professional. On a personal front, I really loved visiting with my friend, meeting her business partner and employees, and catching up with some of my dearest and favorite friends. I worked and lived in San Francisco for 11 years before moving south and do miss my many friends up there!!. On top of that, I really enjoyed cruising around old haunts from my days of yesteryear when I did the corporate thing (and where I met my now husband). Nostalgia at its best.

On a professional level, I felt very challenged. And rewarded. I typically work with young children and families and am usually very familiar with the locations in which we end up shooting. This engagement was quite different. Seven working professionals (read: people who actually stand still and do what I say) who needed headshots/company photos in a location that I hadn't visited in years with rapidly changing weather patterns ranging from rainstorms to sun without a cloud in the sky. Needless to say, the combination of variables really pushed me, professionally. I learned a lot about myself as a photographer and gained so much from this experience.

My friend has a fun company whose clientele is comprised of professional athletes, professionals in the entertainment industry and high networth individuals. Their images needed to exude a certain vibe. We decided to shoot for some nontraditional headshots -- something not too 'corporate-y', something fun, modern and professional with a little splash of hip and cool. What do you think?


And just a few examples of some fun shots we took:

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Eight Weeks of Sweetness

For a fleeting moment yesterday, I found myself entertaining the idea of adding another little baby to our family mix. There's just something about holding a sweet, innocent, cuddly little newborn that makes the world stand still and all of your worries fade away. I love that feeling.

But don't worry, dear husband, I quickly snapped out of it the minute I remembered how close our household is to being out of diapers and moving on to the next stage of childhood. That being said, I relished every moment cuddling with and gazing at eight week old Baby S. It was a marathon session yesterday, but as a result of all the diaper changes, feedings, wardrobe changes, and naps that took place, I also got to squeeze in a wonderful visit with her Mom!

JJ: I loved seeing you in action and admire your confident, down-to-earth and tenderhearted parenting style. You are clearly cut out for this mommy business. In addition to enjoying our time together, I am truly honored that you and M chose me to photograph your firstborn. It will be great fun to watch S grow and reach new milestones over the course of her first year.

Without further adieu, meet sweet, tender, delicate Baby S.



Look at these awesome lips. Her mom and I agreed that she gives Shiloh Pitt-Jolie a run for her money!!

Any idea where her parents want her to go to college?